Dr. David Price - Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist in Denton, TX
Dr. David Price and his staff collaborate to diagnose and treat ear, nose and throat problems for people of every age.
As a specialist in otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, Dr. Price diagnoses and treats disorders of the ears, nose, throat and related structures of the head and neck. They include chronic ear infection, sinusitis, snoring and sleep apnea, hearing loss, allergies and hay fever, swallowing disorders, nosebleeds, hoarseness, diseases of the parathyroid and thyroid glands, dizziness, head and neck cancer and skin lesions of the head and neck.
Dr. Price graduated from the Louisiana State University Medical School in New Orleans and completed his Residency at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Price first began practicing medicine in Denton in 1982.
Dr. Price considers it a privilege to care for you and your family. With over 30 years of experience in the medical and surgical field, we are committed to technology, up to date treatments and thorough and compassionate care. Dr. Price is a board certified otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon.
We're Easy To Find!
David W. Price, M.D. P.A.
Ear, Nose, Throat
2210 San Jacinto Blvd, Ste. #3
Denton, Texas 76205-7531
940.566.6747 - phone
940.565.9162 - fax

Cosmetic Services
Looking for great ways to rejuvenate your look and reduce wrinkles? Dr. Price offers cosmetic injections and consultations right here at the Denton office. LEARN MORE...

Sleep Apnea or Snoring?
Snoring and sleep apnea are real problems for many people. Sleep apnea is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires medical attention. We can help!! LEARN MORE...

It is our goal to provide the highest quality medical care to infants and children with all of the compassion and concerns of a parent. LEARN MORE...
We Appreciate All the Kind Words from Our Patients
"I had a wonderful experience with Dr.Price and his staff. I was treated for vertigo and allergies. I am an R.N. and always benefited from their teaching and thorough explanations of plan of care. I also took injections for my allergies. The atmosphere in the office was always kind and very professional."
- Patient and Denton Resident